Sangamner Milk Union
Rajhans Dudh

Dairy business flourished along with sugar industry in Ahmednagar district. However, dairy industry significantly march ahead in the taluka than sugar industry which is now on declining path. Dairy industry, being a regular cash earner, saves draught affected farmers. Annual milk turnover of Ahmednagar district is around 900 crores to which the union contributed near about 500 crores during 2021-2022. Further, the Sangamner Milk Union is collecting 55% milk being collected through Co-operative sector in Ahmednagar District.

Milk producers of Sangamner taluka are the firm believer in Co-operative principles. Freedom Fighter & Sahakar Maharshi Late Bhausaheb Thorat, founder of 'SANGAMNER TALUKA SAHAKARI DUDH UTPADAK & PRAKRIYA SANGH LTD , SANGAMNER ' and Hon'ble Shri Balasaheb Thorat Ex Minister of Revenue, Government of Maharashtra having deep faith in Co-operative societies emphasizes self-reliance of members, farmers and societies through cooperation mode. Under their able guidance of Shri. Ranjeetsinh Vijaysinh Deshmukh, Chairman and Shri. Rajendra Namdeo Chakor, Vice-Chairman, and Board of Directors are working for the welfare of customer and distributors along with social parity. For increasing milk production in taluka the union is undertaking various works viz., development of new high yielding cross breed cows, supplying quality cattle-feed at reasonable rate, supplying seeds of improved fodder, subsidy for manger, milking machine, modern technologies, veterinary facilities, Auto CLR interfacing Unit etc. The union is continously engaged in addressing the needs of milk producers for fair rewards and also to make the societies and distributors financially viable.

Visionary Guidance By


Hon'ble Balasaheb Thorat

EX. Revenue Minister

The Sangamner milk union scaling the sky heights among Co-operative movement and today it stood at number one among taluka milk producing unions because of its ideal works undertaken. Read More

Ranjeetsinh Deshmukh

Ex. Chairman and Director at Maharashtra State Co-operative Milk Federation Limited (Mahanand), Mumbai and Chairman at Sangamner Taluka Co-operative Milk Producers and Processing Union Limited

Mr. Ranjeetsinh Deshmukh is working in the field of social welfare and Co-operative sector since last 15 years. Read More


MD at Sangamner Taluka Co-operative Milk Producers and Processing Union Limited

Great contribution has given by Dr. Sujit Khilari in day to day function of the Sangamner Milk Union. Read More

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Our Vision

  • A competitive, innovative and sustainable dairy industry in the Rajhans Dairy region that is fulfilling to all its stakeholders
  • To make available quality milk and other premier dairy products to urban consumers.
  • To abridge the gap between price of milk procurement and sale price.

Our Mission

  • Understand the needs of dairy farmers and others in the industry.
  • Obtain funding for activities to meet regional needs.
  • Provide recognised and respected regional leadership; and Ensure that Rajhans Dairy is professionally led and managed.

Future Export Plan

"Rajhans" has, over the years, grown to have now become the largest brand in the co-operative dairy industry in Maharashtra, Karnataka , Gujrat. Rajhans milk Unions affiliated to it are handling, on an average, over 3.5 Lakh Ltrs. of milk PER DAY. A very wide range of milk products- of short and long life- are made in well equipped hygienic manufacturing facilities (ISO certified/HACCP compliant) staffed by highly qualified and experienced professionals and skilled workmen.

A most modern cheese production plant with a daily capacity of 3 tone expandable to 10 M.T. costing Rs.5.00 crores is installed and in operation. High quality milk required for production of cheese is being collected from bulk coolers.

Within the framework of the export policy laid down by Government of India from time to time, Rajhans has resolved to undertake export of its products after the completion of all the required export formalities. Rajhans is planning to export the following products, they are.

  • check Butter
  • check Cheese
  • check Milk Powders
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Quality Assurance

As an organization our entire business operations are based on the reliability and credibility of our quality control team. Our products are in tune with the International standards. We maintain a stringent system of checking to ensure hygine, purity and consistency of products. We have Government approved teams conducting checks from time to time. The reason of our success is quality of our products.

We have a strong faith that customer are the focal point of the business & their expectations & needs to be understood thoroughly & fulfilled in all respects for a prosperous business.

We well strive to achieve this by value addition to our customers & suppliers & continually improve upon it by using principles of ISO & HACCP standards.

Management will ensure that everyone in the organization understands & implements the "Quality Policy" & contributes in continual improvement of the Quality Management system.

Quality Objectives

  • Processing of milk & manufacturing of milk products as per standard quality levels.
  • Comply statutory requirements with all applicable standards and specifications.
  • Promote Hygienic enviroment.
  • Develop prevention based work culture.
  • Develop teamwork for better product quality, productivity & profitability.